
I was diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis and cirrhosis/end-stage liver disease in November 2011. My liver is scarred past repair, and I've been told that a transplant is the only long-term option for me. My transplant evaluation is scheduled for March 5. We'll see what happens.

Everyone keeps telling me how young I am. That doesn't exactly make me feel any better about it. All the same, I'm trying to stay positive and work towards health. I've been very careful with my diet, and I'm keeping up with my usual exercise. The one thing I can say is that my condition keeps me motivated like nothing else! I know that the healthier I can keep myself, the better my prognosis. I am scared about the transplant process and how long I might have to wait before I can be back to normal (whatever that means), but I am determined to come out of this and recover and live the rest of my life to the fullest.